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Divine Redeemer

5th Grade

5th Grade Summary 

Teachers: Mrs. Lisa Plopper & Mrs. Elise Lorenz


Lisa Plopper


Elise Lorenz


Classroom Summary 

❖ Our classrooms are a place to celebrate the unique person that God has made your child! We work hard to celebrate differences and provide an individualized approach to help students use their gifts and talents to feel successful and appreciated. Students are encouraged to learn from their mistakes, persevere through challenges, develop independence, and have fun while learning! 


❖ First year for: 

➢ Downstairs in Middle School Hallway 

➢ Band/Drumline 

➢ Athletics 

➢ Forensics 

❖ Switch classes for multiple subjects 

➢ Math/Science 

➢ English/Reading 

❖ Extra-Curriculars 

➢ Band/Drumline 

➢ Basketball 

➢ Volleyball 

➢ Track 

➢ Cross-Country 

➢ Cheerleading 

Field Trips 

❖ Service Projects like Feed My Starving Children 

❖ Outdoor Education - with Camp Lutherdale 

❖ LCL Visit Day  

Curriculum Features 

❖ Religion & Memory Work Monthly character traits are focused on to assist students in building their Christian character. Monthly traits include Perseverance, Thankfulness, Humility, Joy, and Courage. Through Memory verses, Bible stories, contemporary Christian music, read a-louds, whole class discussions, small group inquiries, and written work, these Christian Character Traits begin to mold our children. 

❖ Literacy - English Grammar is a basic fundamental skill for communicating with others. The foundational knowledge of English grammar enables each of us to speak, read, and write so others understand the message. Units of study include sentence structure and genre and parts of a sentence, i.e. nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. 

❖ Literacy - English Writing allows students to explore the writing process as they generate writing topics, complete drafts, learn and practice positive ways of response, and develop published pieces. Writing Genres of focus: descriptive writing including personal & creative narratives; expository writing including compare & contrast research; opinion & persuasive writing; and poetry. 

❖ Literacy - Reading strategies & skills are focused on with direct mini-lessons and practice. These include word attack skills (i.e. vocabulary building, prefixes & suffixes, Greek & Latin roots) and comprehension strategies (i.e. cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast). Through a wide variety of novel studies including Hatchet, Wonder, A Long Walk to Water, and The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. 

❖ Literacy - Spelling enables students to develop a deeper knowledge of words, thus building stronger connections between the letters and their sounds, along with learning high-frequency words at their level. These are foundational skills to improving both reading and writing. 

❖ Math Our Math program is a balance between solidifying basic facts and mathematical concepts, while challenging students to develop a conceptual understanding of math while applying skills to real-life situations through modeling and problem-solving techniques. Our goal is to help students understand not only what to do to solve math problems, but also why they are doing it. 

❖ Science 5th grade Science is an opportunity for students to develop study skills, particularly in the areas of note-taking and test preparation. Students are taught a variety of ways to prepare for tests to meet the needs of a variety of learners. Topics of study include cells, human body systems, genetics and heredity, biomes, matter, atoms and elements, and forces and motion. STEM units incorporate hands-on activities that encourage problem-solving, creativity and innovation. 

❖ Geography (Social Studies) 5th graders begin to learn of the world around them and over the seas. Each quarter we study one continent as a whole class focusing on the geography of the area, its history, and what life is like today. In addition, students research a variety of areas including plants and animals unique to the area, social & political elements, the history of the country, and traditions of the people. 

❖ Forensics offers students the opportunity to study and practice public speaking.

❖ Study Skills & Organizational Strategies Fifth grade is a growing year as children build their independence. Helping to support this growth we work on a variety of skills and strategies. Examples include completing daily assignment books, turning in homework, managing time wisely, transitioning between classes, and utilizing problem-solving skills. 



❖ Class Dojo 

❖ Google Classroom 

❖ Learning Apps 

❖ 1 to 1 technology with iPads 

❖ Laptop cart available 

❖ Promethean Boards in each classroom 


Specials Available - specials are once a week except for PE which is three times a week.

❖ Art 

❖ Spanish 

❖ Music 

❖ Choir 

❖ Physical Education (PE) 


Lunch Hour - 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. is our lunch with 3rd, 4th & 5th graders 

Recess - 11:45 to 12:25 p.m. is our recess with 3rd & 4th graders 

6th Grade

6th Grade Summary 

Teachers: Mr. Micah Baganz, Mrs. Bethany Irish 


Bethany Irish


Micah Baganz


Highlights: 6th grade is the first year of middle school. Students are in semi-departmentalized classes and may be in a math class with 7th grade students. The expectation for 6th grade students is that they are learning to navigate school on their own. 

Field Trips: In 6th grade, our big class field trip is a trip to Chicago where we go to see the Museum of Science and Industry, Shedd Aquarium, 360 Chicago, and go out for a pizza dinner. We also take a trip to the Milwaukee Zoo and do a service project with Feed My Starving Children. 

Curriculum features- 

Literature: Literature in 6th grade focuses on exploring various genres of writing through novel studies. We cover a wide variety of texts to help students determine their best fit. Along with novel studies, students are still learning how to master comprehension strategies like inferencing, predicting, sequences, etc. These skills are practiced during reading but also in small group station work.


English: Students take their pen and write away in 6th grade. Students write a range of pieces varying in length throughout the year. Some pieces include: preposition poetry, personal narratives, creative writing, and a research paper. Instruction follows a writer’s workshop model in which students are taught a mini-lesson, have writing time, and then have a chance to share their work with peers. Grammar and spelling are also taught through modeling and student practice in their writing pieces. Nearly all writing assignments become “published” pieces where students use word processing programs to type and format their final drafts. 

Science: Sixth grade science class will consist of several units throughout the year. The year will start with a study of plants and animals. Our next units will be a study of weather and space. Following these units, we will switch gears to study computer science and programming, specifically an introduction to java scripting and python. Our year will conclude with robotics and automation using Vex-IQ kits. 

Social Studies: Sixth grade Social Studies class explores European and Asian history, geography and culture. Our year begins with studying European history from Ancient Greece through the present, and then continues with European geography and culture.

We then look at the geography, history and culture of Russia. Our year concludes with the study of East Asian geography, history and culture. 

Technology-Explain how it is used in your grade, what platforms/apps that you're using in your grade. In sixth grade, we have a multitude of technologies that are used in our classrooms. First, each student is given an iPad in a 1:1 format. These iPads are preloaded with apps for each student. Examples of apps that are used are things such as the Google G-Suite for Education apps, apps that interact with the Vex-IQ kits used in robotics, as well as other apps used for reading, or other research apps. 

Students also have access to a laptop cart that can be used in 5-8 grades. The laptop cart helps to fill in any gaps technologically that the iPads cannot handle. Although the iPads can handle most activities that the student’s do, some applications that use Adobe Flash Player or our coding exercises do not like iPads, and the laptops are a great resource to move to when needed. 

Specials Available- Specials that are available to sixth graders are music, Spanish, choir, art and PE class. 

Extracurriculars for girls and boys offered in 6th grade. 
Students in 6th grade have a vast number of choices when it comes to extra-curricular offerings. For athletics, students may participate in boys and girls volleyball, boys and girls basketball, Co-Ed soccer, cheer, cross country, and track and field. Other offerings include: Lego League, chess club, drama club, book club, and future problem solvers. Sixth graders have the fun opportunity to participate in a "Wax Museum" experience where they research a historical figure, write a research paper and speech, and then dress up like their person providing their speech to family, classmates, and students that come to visit the museum!  

What time is lunch hour? Lunch is at 12:25 for 6-8 graders. 

How many recesses-morning/afternoon? Sixth grade has one recess at 12:50-1:05ish everyday


7th Grade

Seventh Grade Curriculum

Teachers:  Ms. Crystal Zahn, Mr. John Meulendyke & Mrs. Lisa Fickau 


John Meulendyke


Crystal Zahn


We believe all students can and will learn when given the best tools and practices a school has to offer. They need to be engaged in challenging material that is relevant, collaborative, and individualized to meet their specific learning and personal needs. My classroom is a positive learning environment built on trust and mutual respect. Teaching is a partnership which includes teachers, parents, and students working together for the child's best interest. 

In 7th grade students begin a departmentalized schedule. This means your child will have a different teacher for each of the core subject areas. 


Field Trips:

Every other year students have the opportunity to visit the nation’s capital, Washington D.C.  During the school year, 7th graders may attend plays or other field trips related to the curriculum.


7th Grade Curriculum:

United States History 7:   The seventh grade year of United States History focuses on the early years of our nation. Our study begins during the Age of Exploration when the first explorers set foot on what is today the United States of America. Our study continues through the colonial days of our nation all the way through the decades just prior to our United States Civil War. Maps are studied, culture is examined, ideas evaluated, and in-class discussions guide the way each day in class. Students complete and present a project related to the life and accomplishments of one of our nation’s presidents.

English: The 7th grade English course focuses on specific aspects of parts of speech, word usage, and mechanics of writing, as well as speaking and listening skills that will prepare your student for success in the 21st century. The development of specific writing types and styles are emphasized; narrative, informative, and argumentative with a variety of text serving as models for writing. 

Math Curriculum: Algebra - This is a full-year study of Algebra 1. Students solve linear equations and systems, they work with exponential equations, they solve quadratic equations using a variety of methods, and they also spend time in the study of statistic and probability. Graphing and the use of graphing programs or apps is also an integral part of the algebra program. Students are also strongly encouraged to extend their study of algebra beyond the classroom.

Pre-Algebra – Students develop a foundation to work with integers, numeric and algebraic expressions, one and two-step equations, inequalities, graphs and functions, percent, and probabilities. Students participate in a variety of activities, such as scavenger hunts, escape rooms, and Kahoots, to strengthen their skills and understanding of mathematical concepts.

Literature 7 - The seventh graders will continue to develop comprehension skills as they read different types of literary genres in short stories, poems, and novels. Close reading, teacher conferences,  and literature circles help students develop as critical thinkers as they evaluate texts. Novel units are built around different genres and students read a book of their choice each day for at least 20 minutes. Vocabulary is enhanced through the weekly study of Greek and Latin roots.

Science:  7th Grade Science Class gives DRLS students the opportunity to explore the world that God has created for us.  It will focus on the Life Sciences and includes studying cells, genetics, and the different kingdoms of living things.  Students experience the excitement of dissection animals, such as frogs and fetal pigs.

"Free-Style" Fridays- These special Friday classes are set aside for students to learn "life-skills" outside of their daily class curriculum.  These subjects are opportunities for to learn a fun skill that can be applied to daily life.  Subjects include Automotive Repair, the Stock Market, Strategic Game Play, Basics of Cooking, Origami, Scrapbooking and more.  These classes change on the quarter and offer students opportunities to try out different classes.  

Technology: 7th graders are issued a school iPad to use throughout the year. The middle school also shares a cart of Chromebooks that teachers can request to use in their classroom.

Specials: 7th graders participate in physical education three days per week. They also have electives to take which include: art, theatre, music, and band. 


Lunch & Recess: Lunch takes place at 12:20p.m., it comes after core classes are complete and before study hall and specials. This is a very important time for students as they get to socialize and see friends that may be in other homerooms. A brief ten minute recess follows the lunch period.


8th Grade

Grade 8 

Teachers: Ms. Alayna Dewitz and Mr. John O'Connor  


Alayna Dewitz


John O'Conner


The center or focus of the eighth-grade classroom environment revolves around the grace and love of Jesus Christ. Students are encouraged to use fully the individual gifts and talents with which God has blessed them. They are also strongly encouraged to take on the responsibility for their education on themselves and to seek out assistance when each one feels it is needed. 

Eighth grade continues with the departmentalization that began in 6th & 7th grades. 

Field Trips: Our main field trip is a week-long trip every other year to Washington, D.C., and Williamsburg, VA, with the 7th & 8th grades. During the school year, the 7th & 8th graders may attend plays or other field trips related to the curriculum. 

Curriculum features: 

United States History 8 - The eighth grade year of United States History follows the history of our nation from the time of our Civil War through the 20th Century. Students are involved in two main projects during this year of study. The first one occurs during the middle of the year when the students are examining immigration to the United States during the late 1800’s. They are required to do their own genealogy study, in part, to determine when their ancestors arrived in this country. The second project involves students working within groups to prepare and present an in-class presentation on one of the decades of the late 1900’s. Efforts are constantly made in class to take the ideas, inventions, and culture of the past and relate it to our nation today. 

Bible Study 8 - Eighth grade Bible study is an opportunity for students and teachers to come together to examine God’s Word and understand how relevant it is in today’s world and in our daily lives. We strive to apply the truth of Scripture to the joys, the challenges, and the opportunities that all Christians experience in their life-long faith walk with Jesus. The studies are often teacher prepared and are led by the Holy Spirit and our text is the Holy Bible. 

Algebra - This is a full-year study of Algebra 1. Students solve linear equations and systems, they work with exponential equations, they solve quadratic equations using a variety of methods, and they also spend time in the study of statistic and probability. Graphing and the use of graphing programs or apps is also an integral part of the algebra program. Students are also strongly encouraged to extend their study of algebra beyond the classroom. 

Geometry – This high school level course explores the foundations of Euclidean geometry as well as basic proof writing. It provides an in-depth analysis of two and three-dimensional geometric shapes (points, lines, planes, triangles, polygons, circles, and solids) and examines their properties, measurements, and relations in space. Through daily work and special projects, the students can relate geometric concepts to their daily lives. Students attending Lake Country Lutheran High School can receive credit for this class after showing proficiency on a placement exam. 

Literature 8 – In eighth grade, literature class encourages students to become independent and critical thinkers as well as embracing reading as a lifelong pursuit. Through short stories as well as classic and award-winning novels, students connect the messages and themes of literature to their own lives. Authors that have been used for short story units in the past include O. Henry and Edgar Allan Poe. Examples of novels that might be read are The Giver, Animal Farm, The Hobbit, Call of the Wild, The Hiding Place, and The Pearl. Students are encouraged to demonstrate knowledge of literary skills and creativity through a variety of hands-on projects as well as technology. 

Technology: At DRLS we are always exploring new ways to use technology in the classrooms. Each student has an individual iPad for school use. The eighth graders use the G Suite for Education with Google Classroom as our primary technology platform. The students will use a variety of apps throughout the year, such as Nearpod, Flipgrid, Quizlet, and Adobe Creative Cloud. 

Specials and Electives 

Two specials that all students in eighth grade are required to take are physical education and art. Another special that all students are required to take is music. The music special, though, offers elective choices. Those elective choices are the following: band, choir, drumline, hand bells, and Praise Band.  

Two other non-music electives are Spanish and Theatre. 

Free-Style Fridays offer students an entire class period, once-a-week on Fridays to take a "real life skills" class.  Each quarter students get to select a new subject.  See Free-style Fridays on the previous class grid for subject topics.


Students in eighth grade have numerous extra-curricular opportunities. Those opportunities include the following: 

Basketball (girls and boys), Girls Volleyball, Co-ed Track & Field, Co-ed Soccer, Forensics, Leadership Organizations- SOAR, LEAD Teams, and more! 

Divine Redeemer Church

 Church: 262-367-8400

School: 262-367-3664

ECDC: 262-563-9995

Office Hours:  

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Summer Hours:  

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm



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31385 W. Hill Road (Hwy 83), Hartland, WI 53029
© 2024 Divine Redeemer

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