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Christian Scholarship Foundation

Scholarship winners
CASF White Shirt.png

Mission Statement: "To encourage and reward high school graduates in Waukesha County who have excelled in athletics, academics, and Christian service in their churches and communities."


For the past thirty four years, Divine Redeemer’s Christian Scholarship Foundation has been proud to award college scholarships to high school seniors that will graduate from a Waukesha County high school. We are pleased to announce that we will award six scholarships this year.


  • A $6,000 scholarship will be awarded to one deserving Christian male athlete and one to a deserving Christian female athlete.

  • The $5,000 Garrett Becker Scholarship will be given to an applicant who has overcome a significant obstacle in their life or if the applicant intends to work in the health care field.

  • The Jean Pordon Memorial Scholarship for $12,000 will be awarded to the candidate who will enter the music or education field.

  • The $15,000 Douglas Baker Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a student for their Christian leadership. The scholarships are to be used to pursue higher education. 

  • The Mike & Kathy Oldenburg Scholarship for $5,000 will be awarded to an applicant who will enter the field of Lutheran education.


The Scholarship Banquet will be held on Sunday, April 27, 2025 beginning at 5:30PM, at The Ingleside Hotel, 2810 Golf Rd. in Pewaukee. You will be sent information on the Banquet after we receive your application. In order to be eligible for any of these scholarships, the applicant MUST be in attendance at the banquet.


The 2023 award winners were:
- Garrett Becker: Lauren Cleary
- Female Athlete: Addy Riemer
- Male Athlete: Henry Witte
- Jean Pordon: Nathan Brazgel
- Douglas Baker: Samuel Noel


The 2024 award winners were:

- Garrett Becker: Carly Elkin 

- Female Athlete: Ella Schumacher 

- Male Athlete: Josh Oechsner

- Jean & Dennis Pordon: Amanda Pike

- Douglas Baker: Sarah Stadler

- Mike & Kathy Oldenburg: Hailey Whittow

Important Links

Scholarship Requirements


  • A cumulative 3.5 high school grade point average through January 1, 2025 (An official transcript must be included with the application)

  • Lettered in one or more Varsity sport(s)

  • Participation in school activities

  • Active in church, above and beyond weekly church attendance. Students must be members of a Christian congregation.

You have our permission to make additional copies of these forms if needed. Application and Requirement forms are also available online at
If you have any questions or need further information, please email Michael Oldenburg at or call at 262 366-2871.


Scholarship Application Deadline

All of the required materials/documents are due on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 by 4:00PM. If you are sending the materials/documents by mail, they must arrive to Divine Redeemer NO LATER than 4:00PM on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. If you have any doubt that the materials will not arrive in time, please deliver them personally.

Divine Redeemer Church

 Church: 262-367-8400

School: 262-367-3664

ECDC: 262-563-9995


Office Hours:  

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Summer Hours:  

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm



Divine Redeemer School
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31385 W. Hill Road (Hwy 83), Hartland, WI 53029
© 2024 Divine Redeemer

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