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Divine Redeemer Youth

There are ample opportunities to hang out and get involved in many youth events!
Review the groups below, join them, and then BEGIN TO HAVE FUN as you learn more about your life with Christ.

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Feb 23 - High School Bible Study
March 2 - High School Bible Study
March 29 - Mother-Daughter Revelation Wellness event
April 2 - Youth Soup Supper 
April 5 - Easter Egg Hunt
April 10 - 8th Grade Confirmation Rehearsal & Photo Night
April 13 - Kids Connection Party and they sing at 10:30 Service (Last Kids Connection of school year)
April 20 - Youth Sponsored Easter Breakfast
May 4 - High School Bible Study (Live with the Author)
May 18 - National Youth Gathering Meeting & Bible Study 
June 9 - 12 - Vacation Bible School
July 13 - National Youth Gathering Commissioning Service during 9:15 worship
July 19 -23 - National Youth Gathering Trip


High School Connect is for EVERYONE in grades 9–12


Join us for Service Opportunities, Mission Trips, the LCMS National Youth Gathering (every 3 years), Fellowship, and So Much More!


Contact for more information or just show up at one of our upcoming events.

Youth Connection Logo

High School Bible study will continue in the spring.


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High School Ministry Rotates their Summer Activity every 3 Years:


2024 - Mission Trip (See RECAP video here)

2025- National Youth Gathering (NEW ORLEANS - SEE INFO BELOW)

2026 - Summer Student Serve Day


2025 National Youth Gathering
(July 19-23 in New Orleans)


Interested in VOLUNTEERING at the National Youth Gathering?

Check out:


YAV (Young Adult Volunteer Ages 19 - 25 at the time of the Gathering):

Applications opened July 2024


Team Flex (age 18+ at the time of the Gathering): Applications open in Spring 2025


Our LCMS Youth Gathering will be July 19–23, 2025 in New Orleans, LA.

STUDENT REGISTRATION (deadline is October 25 or when spots are filled) httpsdrlc.ccbchurch
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If the registration form is "currently unavailable", please email to get on the waitlist.

Divine Redeemer


We want to thank the Divine Redeemer Endowment Fund Committee for their grant to help offset some of the costs for the National Youth Gathering trip to New Orleans. This grant of $10,000 has gone a very long way in blessing all of the National Youth Gathering participants ability to enjoy this unique faith formation experience!  You can learn more about the DR Endowment Fund here at  

The DR Ministry Endowment Fund is a permanent fund established to offer DR’s members and friends the opportunity to leave a legacy of faith for future generations. It is intended to enhance the church and school ministry and witness to the love of God in Jesus Christ. Gifts to the Endowment Fund become a part of a perpetual fund with earnings used to expand and enrich the mission and ministry of Divine Redeemer Church and School. The Fund is built entirely upon the vision and generosity of DR’s members and is separate from the church and school’s annual operating budget and building funds. Available funds are distributed to support projects that are above and beyond normal budgeted items.


Middle School Connection is for ANYONE in grades 6–8


During the school year, we meet one Sunday a month from 10:15-11:45 AM for faith, fellowship and fun. Check our calendar for the next meeting; you can always bring a friend! In addition, we have various events throughout the year which are also posted on the website calendar.


There are ample opportunities to hang out and get involved in many youth events!


Contact for more information.

Youth Connection
Divine Redeemer


Kids Connection Sunday School is for children age 3 (fully toilet trained) through grade 6. Join us for children’s lessons, games, hands-on activities, music, fun, and more! Divine Redeemer uses the ShareFaith Curriculum, which covers the Old and New Testament over multiple years. Students get a thorough understanding of the authority and primary teachings of Scripture, while learning to apply God’s Word in their everyday lives. ShareFaith brings the Bible to life with animated Bible videos, games, and a take home lesson sheet for an online family devotional. Please join us on this exciting journey! 

Kids Connection



The cost of the 6th grade Kids Connection book is $26 per student. The book will also be used in 7th grade confirmation, so families will not be charged for it in 7th if they keep it.

Divine Redeemer


Children will begin their Kids Connection time in worship with their families, during the 9:15am Contemporary Service. Once dismissed, they move to a classroom with their age group and teacher for the remainder of the hour. Parents are encouraged to personally pick up their children at their classrooms.

Your child should be 3 by September 1st to start Kids Connection in the fall. If your young child is not potty-trained, please communicate this with the director in advance. If your child has allergies, special needs, or would benefit from classroom modifications; please speak with the director. It is important to Divine Redeemer that all children feel welcome and experience the love and forgiveness of Jesus!



Adults, you can help in many ways! Volunteers help connect kids with God and his Word by teaching (regularly or as a substitute), preparing materials, and praying for this ministry. Contact Kids Connection or call 262-367-8400 to find out how you can assist in this important endeavor. Please note that the curriculum provides all the resources you need to teach, and most teachers report that they need about 30 minutes to an hour to prepare for a weekly lesson. 

Divine Redeemer
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Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held every June at Divine Redeemer.

Save the date - June 9 - 12, 2025

It is four days of God’s love expressed through Bible stories, crafts, songs, and games.

*Please Note - VBS is only a 4-day program. (Monday–Thursday) NO FRIDAY.


VBS Registration will close on May 14 or when capacity has been reached.


This year's theme is TRUE NORTH - Finding your way in a world gone wild.

We have Jesus—our true north! Give kids a rock-solid foundation and point them to Jesus, their unmovable, unshakable friend forever!  We will have an ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that he is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!​​

Youth Connection Logos

Dates: June 9 - 12, 2025

Time: 9:00 AM - Noon


Ages: Potty Trained 3-year-olds (by 9/1/24) through 5th grade ~ 

Sign your Student up for the Grade they will be in Fall 2025


Cost: *$25 each child


Misc: Children are in Groups of 10 or Less & Wash their Hands prior to Snack.  We Start & End daily in the Sanctuary with Each Group in their Own pew and move from Station to Station in their Small Groups.


*VBS is FREE for Children of Most Volunteer Positions.

Divine Redeemer is looking for Adult Volunteers to lead a section of VBS.  We are in search of 15 – 20 Adults to help Behind the Scenes with Preparations, Recruiting other Volunteers, and being a Guide for Opening/Closing sessions, Bible stories, Crafts, Cinema, and Games. Please fill out the 2025 Volunteer Sign-up Form or contact Ann Marie Hahn.


All Volunteers will need to fill out the Volunteer Emergency Information Form.

Children of most Adult Volunteer Positions attend VBS for FREE!

Child Care for Children of Adult Volunteers during the week of VBS is FREE and must be Registered through Becca Engle.

Divine Redeemer


7th & 8th Grade Confirmation


“Whoever acknowledges Me before men,

I will also acknowledge him before My Father in heaven. But whoever disowns Me before men, I will disown him before My Father in heaven.” - Jesus Christ

~ Matthew 10:32-33


Confirmation at Divine Redeemer


Confirmation is a spiritual milestone in a child’s life and one that we at Divine Redeemer take very seriously.


“Confirmation provides an opportunity for the individual Christian, relying on God’s promise given in Holy Baptism, to make a personal public confession of faith and a lifelong pledge of fidelity to Christ.” -Luther's Small Catechism

Confirmation Logo


Divine Redeemer

8th Grade Confirmation

The 8th grade confirmation instructional process is designed after much study, listening, research, and improving the desired outcomes of previous confirmation classes. This instructional "class" is an on-line instruction for both the parent and the 8th grade confirmand beginning in September. This online course is module based and the portal access will be flexible and based on your time, your schedule, and 24/7, anywhere you have internet access. Each module will be open for an adequate timeframe for the parent and child to complete that module. There are 23 total modules and they will be opened on a set schedule and closed after 2 weeks. We believe it begins at home but with intentional instruction from our staff and pastors.


7th Grade Confirmation

The 7th grade program is based on Concordia’s Bible History and covers the New Testament. Our Youth Director, Ann Marie Hahn, will meet with students for the first 45 minutes of class and then the students will break out into small group study with a leader for the remaining 45 minutes. The 7th grade program begins in September, at 9:15am, in the Science Classroom in the lower level of the school.


The 7th grade program directly complements and leads into the online study program for the 8th grade student. It better prepares our students to be active members of a congregation and grows their faith in our Lord and Savior for a life-long relationship.


In addition, we are in need of a few parents to help fill the small group leadership role. Please pray about and consider joining those who have already stepped up with a passion for growing the faith of our Divine Redeemer students. Contact Ann Marie Hahn if you are interested. 262-367-8400 ext.103 or


Important Dates

Thursday, April 10, 2025 Confirmation Rehearsal
Sunday, April 27, 2025 Rite of Confirmation 9:15
Sunday, May 4, 2025 Rite of Confirmation 8:00 and 10:30


Acolyte Training

Divine Redeemer Church

 Church: 262-367-8400

School: 262-367-3664

ECDC: 262-367-2972


Office Hours:  

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Summer Hours:  

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm



Divine Redeemer School
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31385 W. Hill Road (Hwy 83), Hartland, WI 53029
© 2024 Divine Redeemer

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