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5 Year Old Kindergarten

Grade/Subject: Kindergarten 

Teachers: Mrs. Katie Stoltenberg, Mrs. Katy Root, and Mrs. Paula Lamp


Schedule Options:
Half days:  8:15 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Full days:  8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Katie Stoltenberg


Paula Lamp


Katy Root


5 Year Old Kindergarten


If asked to describe the kindergarten experience at Divine Redeemer Lutheran School with one word, that word would be dynamic. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word dynamic is explained as “a process or system that is characterized by constant change, activity, or progress”. The kindergarten year is a huge transformational year, a bridge from early childhood learning to elementary learning. Students develop and learn in a way that suits them best through active, hands-on instruction by means of movement, dramatic play, songs, educational centers or stations, manipulatives, and STEM-based learning. Lessons are taught in a variety of formats: whole group, small differentiated groups, and individual instruction as needed. In addition to this, the kindergarten students participate in the specific subject areas of religion, reading, phonics, math, social studies, and science. They also are able to attend many of the same specials (for the first time) as the students in the first through eighth grades. These specials include Physical Education, Music, Choir, Art, Chapel, Library, and Guidance. Full-day kindergarten students enjoy two outdoor recesses daily. Half-day students receive one outdoor recess weekly, with the hopes that they are spending time outdoors each afternoon, while not in school. Indoor playtimes occur frequently throughout the week as time permits. 


Being a Christian school, we seek to lovingly educate the whole child including their spiritual well-being. Religion lessons are taught daily in engaging ways through Bible story readings, video clips, songs, puppets, games, art projects, and dramatic play. We want our students to love God and to grow in confidence in their faith as they receive the benefits of walking humbly with Him. We model our behavior after Jesus and provide opportunities for our students to problem-solve and work on social/emotional skills and relationships daily based on our Christian values and Biblical teachings. 


It also is our desire to provide engaging learning opportunities, for our students, that build knowledge and instill a joy of learning that will last a lifetime.  


A few of the extra special activities during the kindergarten year include: a Hibernation Celebration where students dress as bears, go on a treasure/treat hunt, design caves, and make a variety of art projects related to how animals prepare for winter; the 100th Day of School Celebration where students participate in a 100th Day Museum Exhibition, make crazy 100th Day hats, and enjoy a variety of 100th Day learning activities; a Gingerbread Man Unit where students read a variety of Gingerbread Man stories, make theme-related art projects and crafts, complete a STEM project, and reinforce introduced concepts through a surplus of Gingerbread Man stations or centers.  Kindergarteners participate in Grandparents' Day, the entire school Christmas Concert, and end the school year with a special graduation program.  Full-day students have a fourth grade reading buddy that they are paired up with an afternoon each week.  Field trips include a pumpkin/apple farm, the Charles Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium, and a local play/musical.


Technology is used as a limited instructional tool at our level. Short educational video clips are shown on our Promethean Boards to introduce or reinforce concepts. iPads are used 3 times a year for MAPS Testing and during the fourth quarter for Accelerated Reader Testing.


1st Grade

1st grade summary 

Teachers: Mrs. Kari Molnau, Mrs. Anne Elrod 


Kari Molnau


Anne Elrod


1st Grade


First grade at Divine Redeemer is a fun filled educational experience. Children will experience the love of Jesus throughout all aspects of their day. Our first grade classrooms are warm and inviting and will make your child feel comfortable and confident. We have smaller class sizes which allows us to provide differentiated learning experiences. 


1. 1st grade students learn independence and self-awareness as they begin the new school year responsible for their own desk and supplies. They learn to work cooperatively with their peers doing STEM activities and holiday centers. We celebrate fun days such as Grandparents Day, Thanksgiving, Grinch Day, Christmas, Valentines Day, and the 100th Day of School. 


2. 1st graders usually have three main field trips throughout the school year. In the fall, children will enjoy seeing the dancing horses on our equestrian field trip. In the winter, children will experience a theatrical performance that varies on availability. Finally, in the spring, children enjoy experiencing God’s amazing creation at Green Meadows Farm. 


3. 1st graders will be challenged academically through our extensive curriculum which includes Religion, Math, Reading, Science and Social Studies. In Religion, children will journey through the Old and New Testaments learning about God’s love and the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ. Our math curriculum will challenge will challenge our 1st grade students as they learn concepts such as counting money, telling time, measurement, etc.   They will continually be challenged as they improve their number sense.  


Students will develop their reading skills through our phonics based reading curriculum. They will receive individual and group reading instruction through centers and small group reading with the teacher. Students will also develop their writing skills with weekly writing projects. Students will learn about God through the amazing world of Science and Social Studies as they participate in hands-on experiments and activities. They will explore topics such as senses, matter, forces, magnets, light and sound, chick development, communities and our country. 


4. Technology N/A â€‹

5. First grade specials are PE, Music, Choir, Art and Spanish. â€‹

6. Electives N/A â€‹

7. Extra Curricular Activities N/A â€‹

8. Lunch Hour - 11:50-12:15 â€‹

9. 1st graders have two recesses a day. A lunch recess and an afternoon recess.


2nd Grade

Second Grade 

Teachers: Mrs. Katie Guenther, Mrs. Julie Chudada


Katie Guenther


Julie Chudada


2nd Grade


Second Grade at DRLS: The education the children receive in second grade at Divine Redeemer Lutheran School has at its core the belief that each child is created by God the Father to accomplish His plans throughout the life of each individual. Therefore, we know that ALL children are capable of learning and growing in their knowledge of this world, as well as developing an understanding of themselves and what they can contribute to this world as God’s precious children. Since our Lord created each child to fulfill a unique plan, it therefore follows that among these children there will be varied personalities, learning styles, and interests. As the teachers of second grade, we strive to provide a safe, caring, and stimulating environment where this learning can take place. Lessons are taught with a variety of approaches to embrace the many learning styles within the classroom. Total participation techniques are used throughout the day within lessons so that all the students are actively engaged. We believe it is critical for each child to be treated with respect and with a loving firmness when needed. This, in turn, presents an example as to how they should treat one another. Each child is God’s very own, and it is our prayer that He uses us as His instruments to teach His children in the way they should go. 


1) There are some very special units the children enjoy in second grade. In the fall, our study of the Native Americans is always a favorite. Through videos, crafts, and discussions, we learn all about the way these amazing people adapted to their environment to survive and thrive. We even taste some of the most popular foods from the four regions we study. 


The winter season brings the joy of the birth of our Savior. The second graders study the Christmas traditions of five different countries. We enjoy participating in some of the activities that are unique to each country. This includes having our very own Swedish St. Lucia Day parade, getting in costumes for our Mexican posada, receiving visits from Befana of Italy and from Pere Noel of France, tasting some special Christmas treats of each country, making our very own yule logs, and more!! Most importantly, although the traditions are different, we see how children all over the world hear the same true story of the birth of our Savior. Spring is the season for new life, and in second grade that includes raising our own butterflies. Each child receives a caterpillar to observe. We watch as it goes through complete metamorphosis and becomes a beautiful butterfly. The children learn all about the anatomy and behaviors of these miraculous creatures. The unit ends with a butterfly release. 


2) Field trips can vary from year to year. During recent years our trips have included attending one or two plays, Maple Sugaring, Old World Wisconsin, and the Milwaukee Public Museum. 



3) ~Bible Study – Our curriculum begins with God’s creation of the world and takes the children through all the major events of the Old Testament. By mid-year we enter the New Testament and see the Old Testament prophesies and promises fulfilled through the birth of our Savior Jesus. We follow His life and ministry to His death and resurrection. We close the year by studying the Apostle Paul’s ministry and the formation of the early Christian church. 


Each year, the second graders also present a musical chapel service to the student body. This service focuses on a specific area of faith development. 


~Reading – The reading program in second grade is very diverse. Every effort is made to cover all skills and strategies appropriate for the second grade level. Phonics skills which were learned in first grade are reviewed and mastered. Strategies including vocabulary development, characterization, story elements, referencing the text, genre recognition, and many others are introduced. In addition to the basal series, four trade books are also included in this curriculum. Comprehension is stressed throughout the year with each basal literature selection and each trade book. (Wonders- McGraw-Hill Publishing- enhanced with supplemental trade books) 


~English – To support our reading and writing, we have a separate English curriculum that covers parts of speech and proper grammar and usage. Mechanics such as capitalization, abbreviations, punctuation, and sentence building are taught and practiced. Composition skills are also stressed in various creative ways. (Text: Wonders- McGraw-Hill Language Arts) 


~Spelling – Through the second grade spelling program students become more accomplished spellers and develop their vocabulary. Word lists are organized so students can see the relationships among words, learn frequently used spelling patterns, and become familiar with common spelling rules. With daily practice, regular testing, and writing, the children become more proficient spellers. (Wonders- McGraw Hill Publishing) 


~Math – The math program in second grade enables all the children to develop a solid foundation in the language and the basic concepts of all areas of mathematics. Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division facts are drilled daily. The math concepts are integrated and regularly reinforced throughout the year rather than taught in isolated units. Through the use of manipulatives, practice, homework, and assessments the children are introduced to and master many math concepts and skills including the counting of money, time-telling, addition and subtraction with regrouping, patterning, counting and skip counting, graphing, measuring, estimating, mental computation, problem solving, exposure to geometry and algebra, math application to daily life, and more. (Bridges Math) 


~Social Studies – The second grade social studies text covers two major units taught during the second and third quarters of the school year.  These two teacher created units are: "Christmas Around the World" and "Native Americans".  Many Social Study concepts and skills are covered in these units including:  communities, history, cultures, and map skills.


~Science: The second grade science curriculum is teacher-created and exceeds all required standards. The units include studies of plants, animals, human body, space, weather, and butterflies. A STEM unit on matter is also an important part our curriculum. 


4) The second grade classroom is equipped with Ipads which are often used for Accelerated Reading testing and other skill-building activities. Our classrooms are equipped with a Promethean boards as well, which gives us access to a variety of visuals and participation activities that stimulate and engage the students. 


5) Second graders grow in other areas of learning through our “specials” programs. Physical education, art, Spanish, music, and choir are all learning experiences taught by teachers who are trained in those specific subject areas. 


6) Electives and Choices - n/a 


7) Extra-curriculars - n/a 


8) Lunch for the second graders is at 11:50. 


9) The second grade enjoys two outdoor (weather permitting) recesses – one follows the lunch period, and the other is at the end of the school day. Both are approximately 25 minutes long.

3rd Grade

Grade/Subject: 3rd Grade 

Teachers: Mrs. Caitlin McGaffick and Tracey Parker 


Tracey Parker


Caitlin McGaffick


3rd Grade


Third grade is an exciting year with growth in many subject areas. Students gain more independence and learn study skills. We also provide many fun ways for students to celebrate their learning such as Word Day and Math Madness. Most importantly we nourish their faith and help students continue to grow in God’s Word. In third grade there is an emphasis on learning about community. We enjoy going to a variety of plays offered by area theater groups. We also enjoy celebrating God’s creation by exploring Retzer Nature Center. 


1) Highlights- 

  • 3rd/4th Grade Musical - This is the first year 3rd graders participate in a musical at Divine Redeemer. Some students use their gift of acting and stage presence while others dance and sing! 

  • Word Day - Students choose a unique word and design a hat based on that word. We do a parade through the school and enjoy fun word activities all afternoon. 

  • Math Madness - Students partake in a friendly math tournament of multiplication facts. The final two compete in the last round! 

  • P.E. Demonstration Night - 3rd grade participates in P.E. Demonstration Night along with 1st, 5th, and 7th graders. Parents will enjoy coming to watch these grades present all they have learned and mastered in P.E. class with Ms. Anderson. 

  • Trade Fair Unit- Students work through a Small Business Plan packet to create their very own business!  They learn about the economy, supply and demand, and sales.  They take time to design their own business logos, products, and services.   We love watching the students' creativity come alive this project! 


2) Field Trips: 

  • LCL Spring Play

  • Cozy Nook Farms 

  • Discovery Farms

  • Retzer Nature Center 


3) Curriculum features - 

  • Math: Big Ideas. Focus on multiplication and division facts, rounding, multi-digit addition and subtraction, fractions, area and perimeter, measurement, and time.  We build on our previous understanding of math concepts and spend time practicing our math skills.  We use concepts and skill knowledge to work through different problem-solving tasks. 

  • Science: God’s amazing design of plants and animals, planets, the rock cycle, and weather/meteorologist unit. 

  • Social Studies: communities (rural, suburban, urban) levels of government, map unit, heritage unit, and small business projects/operations. 

  • Reading: Wonders Reading. We use an enriching curriculum with a variety of stories. We study one story a week. We also enjoy novel studies such as Muggie Maggie, Ramona Quimby, Age 8, Mouse on the Motorcycle, Ralph S. Mouse, and Charlotte’s Web. The teachers instill a love of reading by doing chapter book "read-a louds" daily and providing time for students to read independently throughout the day. 


4) Technology - Third grade is 1:1 iPads, they also have access to Chromebooks, and each classroom is equipped with a Promethean Board. 


5) Specials Available - Physical Education (P.E.), Art, Spanish, Music, Choir  


6) Extra-curriculars - Girls on the Run


7) Lunch: 11:15-11:45 AM


8) Recesses - Third grade has a forty minute recess after lunch each day, along with the fourth and fifth grade classes. We also have a fifteen minute recess in the late afternoon. 


4th Grade

4th Grade Summary 

Teachers:  Mrs. Jen Boris & Miss Rebecca Rohde


Rachel Frerking

Jen Boris


Becky Rohde


4th Grade


Mrs. Boris’s Classroom Philosophy:

Jesus is the perfect example of a teacher.  I strive to follow His example by providing a quality Christian education within a loving, nurturing environment, with Him as our leader.


1)  Highlights:

The fourth grade students have the chance for some major roles in the Musical which the 3rd and 4th grades perform usually at the end of February.  Fourth grade gets their first experience with using lockers for their backpacks, supplies, and outerwear.  This is a good experience with learning more about organization and responsibility.   

Another highlight of fourth grade is when the students have a chance to partner with a kindergarten student for a Reading Buddy time on Friday afternoons.  Not only do they practice their read aloud skills with the kindergarten students, they also form special relationships with those children.


2) Field Trips:

  • Lake Country Lutheran Performing Arts- Play

  • Madison Area  - including the State Capitol

  • Old World Wisconsin


3)  Curriculum

The students begin to get acclimated with switching classes.  Mrs. Boris teaches Reading, Spelling, Science and Typing to both classes, while Miss Rohde teaches Cursive, Math, and English to both sections of fourth grade.

Social Studies begins with an abbreviated United States History recap, which then moves onto the five regions of the United States with an emphasis on our state of Wisconsin during the fourth quarter.


Both classes work on research projects which helps the students develop a better understanding of the research process. They then work on summarizing their information by putting it into their own words.  Another research skill they learn and practice is how to cite the sources they use.  


Math: In 4th grade, students focus on learning the concepts in depth through many facets of learning and collaboration.  Practicing math facts is an important part of fourth grade mathematics.  Problem solving is another key aspect of math at this level.  They will continue to solve multi-step word problems involving multi-digit numbers. They extend their understanding of fractions, including equal (equivalent) fractions and ordering fractions.  We focus on helping them learn why the math works the way it does and how to apply it to real-life situations.


Reading: Selections are taken both from novel studies and from utilizing the wealth of stories from our reading curriculum.  Many skills like comprehension, decoding, and vocabulary are taught and practiced throughout the year.  The students have a wide genre to explore.  The love of reading for the students is encouraged through teacher and school library times.


4)  Technology:

Students utilize both iPads and laptops in fourth grade. Integrating technology into the classroom is an effective way to connect with students of all learning styles. It gives students the opportunity to enhance the interaction with their classmates and instructors by encouraging collaboration.  Using technology in the classroom gives teachers and other faculty members the opportunity to develop their student's digital citizenship skills. It is an important skill to know how to use mobile devices.  But we believe that using electronic devices correctly and responsibly is of even more importance.


Google Classroom along with other Google Apps are integral in many parts of the lessons throughout the year.  The students become experts using Google Slides for presentations.  This learning app also increases their research abilities which will be critical throughout the remainder of their schooling at Divine Redeemer and into high school.  

EPIC is an App which offers unlimited access to 40,000 of the best children's books and learning videos

We use for practicing typing skills.


 A variety of Apps (XtraMath, Splash Learn, and iXL) are used to practice fact fluency and math skills and concepts. 


5)  Specials:

  • Art

  • PE

  • Spanish

  • Music

  • Choir


6)  Electives:  N/A


7)  Extra-curriculars:

  • Girls on the Run


8)  Lunch:

11:15 - 11:45 AM

Morning and Afternoon Snack times


9)  Recess:

11:45 AM - 12:20 PM

Divine Redeemer Church

 Church: 262-367-8400

School: 262-367-3664

ECDC: 262-563-9995


Office Hours:  

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Summer Hours:  

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm



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31385 W. Hill Road (Hwy 83), Hartland, WI 53029
© 2024 Divine Redeemer

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