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Divine Redeemer Other Subjects

Physical Education

Physical Education Summary 

Teachers: Terri Anderson 

I love teaching Physical Education here at Divine Redeemer! It is a joy to teach from a Christ-centered perspective in which students learn to be healthy stewards of a body that is fearfully and wonderfully created by God! It is my prayer that students be lifelong movers and “play well with others” beyond the classroom. This is a class that helps each child grow spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally…Fit 4 Him! Please feel free to stop in and visit class anytime! You might just want to play along! Thank you for your support and prayers as we work together!


What Are We Doing in Physical Education? The purpose of Physical Education at Divine Redeemer is to equip students to develop and use their bodies to glorify God. From a Christ-centered perspective, students will understand that maintaining our bodies as a temple is a lifelong pursuit that involves exercise, proper nutrition and rest.


The goal of Physical Education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthy physical activity.


Curriculum and assessments are based on five National Physical Education Standards:


1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.

3. The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

5. The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.


Elementary Grades K-5 will focus on Standards 1,2 and 5 where: · Focus is on the development of fundamental motor skills which are the building blocks for game play, physical activity and fitness that follow in middle school. Locomotor skills include all the ways to travel with our feet (run, skip, leap, jump, etc.) Manipulative skills include throwing, catching dribbling kicking volleying and striking. · Success is measured in achieving the outcomes or improving competency. · Class is centered on skill development in game skills, educational gymnastics and dance. · Fitness is developed within the curriculum (camouflage fitness!) Fitness testing begins in Grade 4 and is utilized to set goals and personalize fitness plans in middle school.


Middle School Grades 6-8 Emphasis is on 2, 3 and 4 where students: — begin to focus on game concepts, knowledge and skill in deliberate practice tasks. — cooperate with and encourage classmates, accept individual differences and demonstrate inclusive behaviors. — Design and implement health-enhancing fitness programs. — Participate in deliberate practice tasks or modified games emphasizing: — small groups (4 students or less). — learning the skills and tactics necessary for successful game play. — gaining personal competency. — categories of games (invasion, net/wall, target, & fielding and striking.

Foreign Language - Spanish

Teacher: Mrs. Jenny Ersbo 

Spanish Class Summary 

Spanish is required for all students in Kindergarten-6th grade. In 7th & 8th grade, Spanish becomes an elective. The K-5th grade classes meet once per week for 30 minutes, 6th grade meets once per week for 40 minutes, and 7/8 meets two times per week for 55 minutes per class. Each class begins with the “Pizarra De La Semana” or Board of the week, and includes a word and phrase of the week, number of the week, color or shape of the week, and the calendar.


All 7th grade students are enrolled in Spanish 1 which can also include 8th grade students who did not complete Spanish 1 the year prior.  Spanish 2 class is an advanced course that allows 8th Grade students more of an immersion-type setting.  Hispanic culture is offered as well, and though not required, is highly suggested for both Spanish 1 and Spanish students.


Units covered in grades K-4 include: 

· Alphabet 

· Colors 

· Numbers 

· Animals 

· Days of the week 

· Months of the Year 

· Seasons 

· Parts of the Body 

· Clothing 

· Family Tree 

· Special units for holidays, Cinco de Mayo, and more 


Additional units covered in 5th grade are: 

· Telling Time 

· Parts of the house and furniture 

· Food 


In addition to reviewing many vocabulary units in 6th grade, an introduction to grammar begins in the 3rd quarter and the 4th quarter concludes with verb conjugation. 


Seventh and Eighth grade students continue to learn conjugation, grammar, read short stories, work on special projects (creating a restaurant for example), give presentations, and work out of the Ven Conmigo textbook.

Free-Style Friday

Divine Redeemer Other Subjects

"Free-style Friday" is a creative, enjoyable addition to the curriculum for 6th, 7th & 8th graders.  Each Friday, students participate in a "real-life learning class" with topics such as Strategic Game Play, Religions of the World,  Origami, Basics to Cooking, Automotive Repair, Woodworking, Gardening, The Stock Market, Speaking German, Table Tennis, Scrapbooking, and other fun subjects!  This hour of learning and experience, allows students to try new things and learn skills that will help them later in life and have some fun during their typical school day.  Each quarter during the school year, students get to select a new topic to try out!


The subjects that have been offered since the start of the program include: 

  1. Woodworking 1.0 & 2.0 

  2. Car Care & Small Engine Maintenance

  3. Table Tennis 

  4. God's Not Dead

  5. God's Not Dead 2 

  6. A Matter of Faith

  7. The Chosen 

  8. Kids in the Kitchen 

  9. Strategic Game Play 

  10. Chess & Logic Puzzles 

  11. Yoga 

  12. Origami 

  13. 3D Printing 

  14. Indoor Gardening 

  15. Beginning German 

  16. Scrapbooking 

  17. Investing in the Stock Market 

  18. Theatre 

  19. Christmas Crafts 

  20. Digital Art 

  21. Lawn Games 

  22. Becoming a Docent 

  23. Making Movies 


This upcoming quarter, we will also add: 

  • Robotics 

  • Musical Production 

Resource Teacher

Resource Teacher: Mrs.Kuehl, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. O'Connor

Divine Redeemer Lutheran School's teachers are trained in teaching to the different learning abilities of their students.  When a student needs additional assistance in a subject, organizational or learning skills, or on the other end, needs to be challenged beyond the already rigorous curriculum in the classroom, Divine Redeemer can offer the assistance of a Resource Teacher.  This gifted, loving, certified teacher helps students one-on-one or in small groups to work at their highest level and learn skills that will help them become lifelong learners.

School Counselor

School Counselor: Laina Uttech

The challenges of today's society, stresses children have placed on them, and the rigors of daily life can be a challenge for many students.  Each student at Divine Redeemer is blessed with amazing, caring teachers that encourage them to build strong relationships together.  Sometimes additional care and attention is required beyond a student's relationship with their parents, friends, or teachers.  When this occurs, Divine Redeemer assists these students and their parents with a school counselor who helps them deal with their situations by providing emotional and spiritual support.

Fine Arts

Art, Music Classes, Band Program, Drumline, Voice Choirs, Chapel Praise Band, Handbells

Grade school is a great opportunity for students to experience different extra-curricular activities to learn fundamentals and discover individual talents. Divine Redeemer Lutheran School recognizes the importance of this and offers multiple activities that challenge students to excel in the area of Fine Arts. While other schools have had to cut programs such as these, Divine Redeemer recognizes that students are given different God-given talents that need to be nurtured. The DRLS Fine Arts program offers musicals, choirs, art classes, a band program, music classes, an art fair, even an eight drum drumline and more! 


Teacher: Mrs. Rachel Williams 
Mrs. Williams is here to help your child grow in their God-given ability to create. Each child is born in the image of our creator God. Mrs. Williams firmly believes everyone is an artist. In her classroom students will have an opportunity to explore many different mediums. We explore painting, drawing, collage, clay, weaving and digital art to name a few. Through the process of creating Divine Redeemer students will use the elements of art to help them learn the principles of art. You can expect to find Mrs. Williams sharing a rich curriculum that highlights works by classical artists and from historical time periods as well as works by our modern artists and from current events. Children will be able to work individually and collaboratively in the art room. Mrs. Williams believes it is important for students to have a balance between defined goals and freestyle creations. The art room is a place to examine art through observation, ask questions, and share our process. Not only will students refine their own artistic abilities, they will learn to see art as a means to learn about others and express themselves. 


A lot is happening in Mrs. Williams Art room. The process of doing the art is where the learning happens. Ask your children what artist they are focused on this month. Ask them to tell you all about their artwork. You will be surprised to here all the details. 

Divine Redeemer is unique in that we have a ceramics kiln. Each year your child will explore clay! Also Mrs. Williams has her roots in video editing and graphic design. Middle school students will get the awesome experience of doing digital artwork and eventually the fundamentals of videography using Adobe Creative Cloud. 


In the fall we have our big fundraiser for our clay and glazes. Your child will create a special Art to Remember artwork. This is a wonderful keepsake. We recommend purchasing your child’s artwork each year to always remember their beautiful designs. 

The elementary school art room is a magical place and Mrs. Williams feels mighty blessed to inspire the imaginations of these Divine Redeemer students!


Music Classes

Teacher:  Mrs. Vicki Beversdorf

Divine Redeemer's Musical Theory Program is thirty minutes per week for children in 3 Year Old Preschool through 4th Grade.  Students are taught musical symbols, notes, note values, and solfege. Students are exposed to playing a variety of instrumentals including rhythm sticks, xylophones, drums, keyboards, and recorders.  Each month different musicians and/or composers are presented and students learn the important contributions they have made.  It is the intent of these hands-on music classes to bring music and music appreciation to every student!


Band Program

Instructor:  Mrs. Erica Rosebrock

This program is offered through the Lutheran High School Association of Greater Milwaukee.  Students are provided with excellent weekly individual instruction, weekly group rehearsal (Concert Band 6th - 8th Grade, Eagle Band- 5th Grade, Drumline 5th-8th Grade.  Band is comprised of:  flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, and percussion.  Optional participation in Thunder Band at lake country Lutheran High School (evening rehearsals with students from other Lutheran grade schools, two performances per year) is available.  No prior experience is necessary though the student must supply their own instrument.  Program cost applies. 



Instructor:  Mrs. Erica Rosebrock
This program is offered through the Lutheran High School Association of Greater Milwaukee.  Students in grades 5th - 8th grade are eligible to participate and are provided with excellent individual instruction and group drum line experience.  Drumline is composed of: snare drum, quad toms. bass drum and cymbals.  Drummers will perform at Christmas concerts, Spring Concert, Pep Rallies, Solo/Ensemble Contest and more!  No experience is required for this opportunity. 


Voice Choirs

Sing to the Lord a New song!

Teacher:  Mrs. Heidi Graf

Kindergarten through Eighth Grade has the opportunity to sing in a classroom choir.  The goal of our choral program is to sing praises to God and give glory to the Lord.  Through singing in Sunday morning church services and concerts/musicals during the school year, students can give praise to God with their voices.  The singers learn good choral technique, music note reading, singing in harmony and musical interpretation.  Many different styles and genres of music are explored with the goal of making singing in choir both fun and joyful.


Chapel Praise Band                                                                                                                                                          Director:  Mrs. Karen Lippert                                                                                                                                              The DR Chapel Praise Band includes vocalists, keyboard players, and drummers.  Students will learn to lead fellow students in worship through speaking, singing, and playing.  Once songs are learned, the Praise Band will perform their songs in Divine Redeemer's Wednesday morning chapel services, at concerts, and Grandparents' Day.  Participation in this program is great preparation for the church's Youth Band which leads worship at DR's contemporary worship service.


Hand bells

Hand bells has been an option offered to students in previous school years.  It is open to any student in 7th & 8th grade.  Ringers work with five octaves of hand bells and chimes.  The ability to already read music is a plus, but is not a requirement.  Students entering with no prior music experience will be taught the skills needed- music reading and rhythm skills, along with learning to ring the bells.  Ringers perform during chapel services and at concerts throughout the school year. 

Divine Redeemer Other Subjects
Divine Redeemer Other Subjects
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