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What does Outreach and Mission look like at DR?  Outreach activities are the practices of our church that spread God's Word and share His love with the community and the world at large.  Missions involve helping others in Christian love whether the mission field is abroad or in our backyard.  Both include sharing the Gospel, that is, the Good News of Jesus!   Divine Redeemer is excited that Pastor Christopher Surges became the Pastor of Mission and Outreach starting in August of 2024 to help us further our impact in our backyard, missions in the country and missions worldwide!


Below are the missions that Divine Redeemer supports through out the year.


May Jesus’s love be made known to all nations as we continue knowing, growing, and going in Christ!


“…You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 

Acts 1:8



Operation Christmas Child

Quarter 1: Love in a Shoebox in partnership with Operation Christmas Child


August 25th – October 27th


Quarter 2: Journeys Lutheran School


November 3 - January 19th, 2025

SWD Mission Support

Quarter 3: South Wisconsin District Mission Support


January 26th - March 30th

Living Hope

Quarter 4: Living Hope International


April 6 - June 1st


Quarter 5 (Summer Quarter): Safe Families


June 8th - August 17th

Monthly Missional Minute

#1) October:

#2) November:

Challenge #1: Pray that God opens your eyes to those in your life that He placed for you to share the love of Jesus with.

#3) December:

Challenge #2: For the individuals you identified last month, I pray that you are able to BUILD that relationship and meet them where they are at!

Challenge #3: Recognize these opportunities for spiritual conversations.

Mission & Outreach Newsletters



"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 20: 19-20

Pray & Go

We have some exciting news! Our Outreach Team at DR has completed our Pray and Go initiative that was started just over 3 years ago! Pray and Go was a congregational effort to lift up our neighbors in prayer! As we are a congregation that is rooted in our community and in prayer, Pray & Go was designed to help motivate God’s people to PRAY and then GO out into our community! We did this by mapping out the area surrounding our congregation and then sending prayer teams into our community to pray at every home in the Hartland (53029) community. After praying over each home, team members left a door hanger saying, “We prayed for you!” and also including an invitation to reach out if we can further pray for the members of that home!

We were able to pray over 2,659 homes in the Hartland Community! Go God!



We at DR love our annual SERVE SUNDAY event. Every fall, we invite the congregation to participate in our Serve Sunday. Over the years we have served in many ways! The following are just a few of the ways we have served on this special Sunday: 


We have:

  • conducted yard cleanup

  • written letters to service men and women and shut-ins 

  • made blankets for the homeless 

  • made hats for children going through chemotherapy 

  • made goodie bags for children of veterans 

  • made sandwiches for homeless shelters of Milwaukee 

  • visited nursing home visits with games and songs 

  • and more


We pray all are blessed: those that serve as well as those who are served.


October 2024 Date - October 13, 2024

2025 Date - TBD

serve sunday
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Divine Redeemer is a “Safe Families” Congregation! This is an exciting opportunity for each one of us as we seek to follow Christ’s example of caring for others and especially for children! Jesus says, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). Being a “Safe Families” congregation connects us as followers of Christ with families who would greatly benefit from extra care and support from other families!


What is “Safe Families?”

Safe Families for Children is a movement fueled by compassion and faith to keep children safe and families intact. Safe Families temporarily hosts children and provides a network of support while parents get back on their feet. Some ways to get involved:


  • Host Family

  • Family Friend (babysit, provide transportation)

  • Provide resources (donate money, cribs, clothing, etc.)


Important Links


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