2K - 4K
2 Year Old Preschool Eaglets
Grade 2k Eaglets
Teacher: Dawn Weber
Teacher: Joeann Robinett
Teacher: Arynne Shull
Schedule Options: 2 (Tues/Thurs.), 3 (Mon/Wed/Fri) or 5 (Mon-Friday) half or full days schedules available (with before and after extended care available).
Before School Care: 7 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
Morning Schedule: 8:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Afternoon Schedule: 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Extended Care: 3:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Dawn Weber

Joeann Robinett

Arynne Shull
2 Year Old Preschool Eaglets

The Eaglets are what we call our 2 year olds at DRLS. This class is designed to introduce your child to a loving and safe environment, where joy is bountiful and patience, learning and growing are fostered. Due to the success of this program and the high demand for this class, a third class of Eaglets has been added to our 2-year-old program. We now offer two classes of Young Eaglets for ages 2-2 ½ and one class of Older Eaglets for ages 2 ½-3. This Young Eaglets class still includes a hands-on, play-based curriculum and is open to just eight students per day.
The Eaglet teachers implement the One In Christ Bible Curriculum created by Concordia Publishing House. The weekly Bible lesson is explored through art, songs, prayers, and storytelling props to recreate and internalize the lesson. The children learn that God is their special friend and that He is always with them. The children participate in weekly Chapel worship in which they develop skills such as how to sit for worship, how to give their offering "Love Gifts" to help others, how to pass the offering "Love Gift" baskets, and how to listen to age-appropriate Bible messages. The use of songs, fingerplays, posters, and hands-on props are also utilized to bring the Bible to life.
Our curriculum is theme based, and offers many opportunities for hands-on learning. The use of playdough, sensory materials, and manipulatives offer the children opportunities to utilize their senses as they learn.
Math and science skills are introduced using rote counting, songs, fingerplays and movement. Observation is encouraged and verbalization of discoveries are intentionally lead by the teacher and initiated by the students.
The use of language is encouraged. Through the use of books, puppets, rhymes and song, children hear and repeat language. Children are encouraged to verbalize their wants, needs and feelings.
The Eaglets are a creative bunch. They glue, paint, decorate, and use their hands and tools in various ways to create. They get messy and that is allowed and encouraged because children learn through their senses!
Music permeates our classrooms. Children are actively involved with creating and responding to music through the use of songs, CDs, verbal singing, body awareness and musical instruments.
The Early Childhood Development Center features age-appropriate outdoor play spaces for all developmental ages. The toddlers in the Eaglet program venture outside daily as weather permits. The students' confidence grows by jumping, climbing, throwing, and using their entire body to interact with the playground equipment and their peers.

3 Year Old Preschool
Grade : 3K
Teachers: Mrs. Vicki Beversdorf, Mrs. Amber Curtis, Mrs. Heidi Bauer
Schedule Options Include: 2 full day (Tuesdays/Thursdays), 3 day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) half or full day -or- 5 day (Monday- Friday) half or full day.
Half schedule: 8:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Full schedule: 8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Wrap-around care available beginning 7 a.m. & ending 6 p.m.

Vicki Beversdorf
Heidi Bauer

Amber Curtis

3 Year Old Preschool (3k)
Students Must Be Fully Potty-Trained and Finished with Pull-Ups
Students in the 3K program participate in many special events and celebrations including Fancy Day, Exercise Day, Hat Day, Pirate Day, Pajama Day, 100th Day, and Field Day
Students in 3K lead a Thanksgiving program, a Christmas Program, and a Farewell Program
The children attend three off-site field trips to a fire station, a pumpkin farm, and a petting zoo farm
Play is the center of the 3K curriculum, and through play the children are introduced to the following concepts and experiences
In the religion curriculum, the students:
identify themselves as God’s children and Jesus as their best friend.
enjoy worship activities including weekly chapel services.
understand that prayer is a way to talk to God.
develop an understanding that the stories in the Bible are true.
are taught that we all make mistakes (sin), but we are all forgiven through Jesus our Savior who died on the cross and rose again.
praise God through singing, dancing and playing instruments.
In the math curriculum, the students:
are introduced to shapes, sorting, patterns, measuring, adding, and one to one correspondence.
practice rote counting through thirty.
begin to recognize numbers and their value up to ten.
Language Arts
In the language arts curriculum, the students:
are introduced to the letters of the alphabet through a variety of songs, games, fingerplays, and hands-on activities
develop an appreciation of books and literature.
are introduced to a variety of authors and illustrators.
realize the connection between language and words in print.
develop listening and speaking skills.
practice writing letters.
In the art curriculum, the students:
are given the opportunity to experiment with a variety of materials and media in order to express their creativity.
develop listening and following direction skills while completing projects that coincide with the daily theme.
strengthen fine motor muscles by using writing utensils, scissors, Playdoh, and painting with a variety of tools.
Science and Social Studies
In the science curriculum and social studies curriculum, the students will:
develop an understanding that God has created our amazing world and how to care for it.
participate in hands-on activities and experiments while learning about outer space, animals, plants and seeds, light and shadows, magnets, seasons, and the five senses.
begin to understand calendars and charts.
develop friendships and concern for others.
become aware of and learn to follow rules.
practice using manners throughout the day
Large Motor Development
In the area of large motor development, the students will:
learn the importance of a healthy and physically fit body because it is a gift from God.
practice hopping, skipping, jumping, galloping, and body control.
develop ball skills (throwing, catching, kicking, etc.)
develop balancing skills.
learn to play games fairly, follow rules and use Christian sportsmanship.
We use the Promethean boards in our classroom for Bible stories, games, singing, dancing, and informational videos that go along with the daily themes.
All 3K classrooms are equipped with interactive Promethean boards that are used for Bible stories, educational games, music and movement activities, and non-fiction video clips that correlate with the 3K learning standards.
Students participate in a music education class once per week.
Students explore the dramatic play and STEM maker space area known as, "The Big Room" daily for 30 minutes.
Lunch, Recess, and Rest
Students enjoy their lunch from 12:00pm-12:25pm
All 3K students enjoy a 30-minute morning recess. Full-Day students will participate in an additional afternoon recess following the rest period.
All full-day students relax their bodies for a quiet period of rest in the afternoons.

4 Year Old Kindergarten
Grade: 4K
Teachers: Mrs. Kris Bahr, Mrs. Ally Spors, and Ms. Becca Zobel
Schedule Options Include: 3 day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
half or full day -or- 5 day (Monday- Friday) half or full day.
Half schedule: 8:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Full schedule: 8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Wrap-around care available beginning 7 a.m. & ending 6 p.m.

Kris Bahr

Ally Spors

Becca Zobel

4 Year Old Kindergarten
Students Must Be Fully Potty-Trained and Finished with Pull-Ups
The 4K classrooms at DRLS offer a rich faith-filled learning environment. A loving atmosphere is provided to meet children’s social, physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual developmental needs. The Pre-Kindergarten Program guides children in gaining healthy self-concepts and positive feelings about God and others.
The 4K curriculum features a balanced approach of play-based learning opportunities, and teacher directed lessons. In free choice play, children may choose from a variety age-appropriate equipment, materials, and activities, such as dramatic play, blocks, manipulative play, and the use of sensory materials. Children also have opportunities to work on gross motor skills through indoor and outdoor activities and play time.
Our literacy program incorporates themes and special days to enhance the curriculum and build excitement for learning. Some of the special days include Fancy Day, the Teddy Bear Picnic, Penguin Day, and Book Character Day to name a few.
Songs, finger plays, stories, movement activities, and crafts are also utilized to enhance the children's learning.
The PreK BRIDGES math program features playful lesson activities with hands-on exploration that utilize a variety of math tools. The Bridges curriculum develops young learners mathematical thinking and reasoning skills through age-appropriate problems and investigations in the areas of numbers, operations, patterning, measurement, geometry, and data. In February, we celebrate the 100th day of school in a big way!
The students in 4K receive a class subscription to Let's Find Out Weekly Reader, which features a variety of social studies and science topics that align with the 4K learning standards. Topics include community helpers, seasons, holidays, weather, animals, and plants. Science experiments and STEM projects are also an integral part of the science curriculum. The students build rafts for the Gingerbread Man, construct sturdy towers for Rapunzel, implement the scientific method to shine pennies with various solutions, and expand their powers of observation!
The Reading and Language Arts curriculum provides a fun balance between instruction and hands-on exploration. The curriculum aligns with the Wisconsin state standards and also utilizes the Science of Reading best practices for the development of literacy skills.
The balanced literacy approach uses big books, trade books, chart stories, and songs to introduce letter identification formation and letter sounds. Skills covered include comprehension, sequencing, phonetic decoding, making inferences, rhyming, identifying story elements, and introducing sight words. Children are exposed to many genres (fiction, non-fiction, and fairy tales) as they learn to enjoy good literature and reading!
The religion program is designed to teach children to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and to be able to tell others about Him. Students hear daily Bible stories, attend weekly chapel, learn how to pray, share the love of Jesus with others, and praise God through songs.
The 4K program implements the One in Christ Bible curriculum written by Concordia Publishing House. A variety of materials and methods are used to teach a new Bible story each week. The lessons begin with the Old Testament stories and follows sequentially through the New Testament. Weekly family Bible sheets are also sent home so families are able to reinforce and extend the Bible lessons at home.
All 4K classrooms are equipped with interactive Promethean boards that are utilized for Bible stories, educational games, music and movement activities, digital interactive editions of the Let's Find Out Weekly Reader, and non-fiction video clips that correlate with the 4K learning standards.
Students participate in a music education class once per week. The children also explore the dramatic play and STEM maker space area known as, "The Big Room" daily for 30 minutes, and full-day 4K students visit the library once per week.
Lunch, Recess, and Rest
All students participate in a morning outdoor recess. The full-day students enjoy their lunch from 12:30pm-12:55pm and participate in a second outdoor recess following lunch. The full-day students also relax their bodies for a short rest period in the afternoons.
The 4K students attend 3 off-site field trips to Ebert's Pumpkin Farm, Reichl & Kolstad Orthodontics, and Glacier Rock Farm.