More D.O.O.R.S Sermon Series
In the midst of election season, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by uncertainty, fear, and division. The stakes can seem impossibly high, and many hearts are burdened with anxiety about the future. But as followers of Christ, our hope is not rooted in political outcomes or earthly leaders—it is grounded in the eternal victory we have through Jesus. In our new sermon series, V.O.T.E: Victory Over This Election, we will explore how the Word of God equips us to navigate this season with faith, peace, and confidence. This series is not about endorsing candidates or political parties—our task as the Church is far greater than that. Instead, we will focus on how Scripture speaks to the issues that cause our anxieties and how God calls us to trust in Him, because in the end its His Victory that we follow!
OCTOBER 20 - Week 1: V.O.T.E. Victory Over The Earth
Kingdom of Earth
1 Peter 2:13-17; Matthew 22:15-22; Proverbs 24:21-22
OCTOBER 27 - Week 2: V.O.T.E. Victory Over The Evil One
Kingdom of Grace (Reformation Day Observed)
John 18:33-37; Acts 5:27-32
NOVEMBER 3 - Week 3: V.O.T.E. Victory Over The End
Kingdom of Heaven (All Saints Day Observed)
1 Corinthians 15:50-57 (58); Isaiah 25:6-9; John 10:7-11